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Posted 5 February
DOING MATH: Zooming and chunking
Here is an example of how someone with some practice at dealing with abstract math will analyze a problem. This example requires only first year calculus.
Suppose your research has come up with the function
defined for real numbers x. You want to understand how this function behaves. If I were looking at it, I would go through some process like this:
Is f(x) defined everywhere? (Meaning, is the denominator never 0?)
Yes, is positive for all real numbers x, so
has to be positive.
In fact, I just noticed that must always be greater than 1. This means that f(x) is always less than
3) f(x) is a positive number times a 6th power, so it is always nonnegative.
Could f(x) be zero? Yes, the
numerator is zero when ,
and that is the only place. (Every real
number has exactly one real cube root.)
When x is positive, is extremely close to 1, so when you get very
far out on the x axis, f(x) looks just like
. This means it gets big very quickly as you go
to the right.
…Well, big except near (about 2.1544), where it has to be zero. So it must dip down to 0 at 2.1544 and that
start going up again very
means it has to have a local minimum at . Ye gods, I don’t want to take
that derivative… (If I did take the
derivative I would have found out that f(x)
has a local maximum between 1 and 2).
What about negative x?
Well, there is very large and grows a heck of a lot faster
than any polynomial, so the graph to the left of the y-axis ought to hug the x-axis (while staying just above it).
…and so on. It is worth taking a very close look at what goes on in a mathematician’s head when they go through a process of analysis like this. What happens with me is that I zoom in and out and when I have zoomed out I see things in chunks:
I look
at the big picture
zoom in
on some detail that tells me something about the graph
then zoom out and
look at the big picture again
then zoom in to another
When I
am looking at the big picture
don’t see all the details
I just
see chunks of formula with
some relevant properties
Let’s look at
the first few steps in detail. In
each step, I am
selective in what details I pay attention to and lump the stuff I am not paying
attention to into “something”, perhaps with a qualification
such as “something > 0”. The lumping
part is called chunking or encapsulation in the math
ed literature. In the steps
just above, the
chunks are in red and the relevant detail is in blue.
1) so it is always
2) so
3) , which is
, so it is always nonnegative.
4) Every real number has exactly one cube root,
so when
and nowhere else. Since
and the only time a fraction is zero when its
numerator is zero,
is the only x for which f(x) = 0.
And so on…
every mathematician would do this in exactly the way I did.
¨ Many would have lumped steps (1) and (2) into one step, noticing right away that the denominator was not only positive but greater than 1. I wrote the steps the way I did because that was in fact the order in which I noticed things.
¨ I could have referred to .0002 repeatedly as “something positive”. In fact when I was going through the process I always thought of it as .0002, so I wrote it that way. You might do it differently.
¨ In step (3) I referred to the fact that . I could have noticed that
but that is
irrelevant. I
did not try to remember more detail than I had to.
I have described
a way of understanding something complicated by focusing on one detail and
lumping all the other stuff into “something”, or “something with some property”. On this website I will call it the zoom and chunk method.
characteristically use the zoom and chunk method
to understand
something complex.
You should too.
Most mathematicans faced with a function like this would graph it using Mathematica
or some other program that does math. (The
graph above was done by Mathematica.) That
is a flaw with this example, since it ignores actual practice. I wanted an example that would be accessible
to people getting into abstract math, and this one requires only first year calculus. More abstract and advanced problems might be
less amenable to a computer math program.
any case, the graph does not show you some aspects of the graph that the
analysis above does show. You can’t tell just from looking at the graph
that the function is asymptotic to 0 in the negative direction and increases
rapidly to the right of . (It appears to do these things but you could be
fooled.) You can’t tell it is zero only
at one place, either.
Thanks to Olaf
Stackleberg for corrections.