Index of Mathematica files
- This directory includes all the Mathematica files used in posts in my blog Gyre&Gimble.
The files marked ".cdf" are meant to be displayed using Wolfram CDF Player, available free from the Wolfram website. It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- The files marked ".nb" can be viewed in the CDF player, but you can't change them. They may be experimented with and changed if you have access to Mathematica. It is provided by many universities for faculty and students, and it may be bought directly from Wolfram.
- Neither .nb nor .cdf files on this site will run in a browser window the way .cdf files do in Gyre&Gimble posts. In both cases you need to save them to your computer and then evaluate them (.nb) or click on "Enable Dynamics" (.cdf). For reasons I don't understand, for some cdf files you may click Enable Dynamics, see a file with pink places (indicating malfunction), close it, open it and click Enable Dynamics again -- that time it should work.
- The most recent files are listed according to the post that used them, in reverse chronological order.
I have not finished arranging them this way, and the ones not yet gathered together like this are listed at the end.

All the files linked to on this file are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
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