The word partition has several distinct meanings in math.
A partition of a set into disjoint blocks (same as an equivalence relation).
A partition of an integer, expressing the integer as a sum of integers.
A partition of an interval, used in the theory of integration.
A partition of unity of a topological space.
All of these ideas involve the concept of breaking something up into distinct pieces, but they are genuinely distinct ideas.
Permutation is defined in
the literature in two different ways:
A permutation of an n-element set is a sequence of length n in which each element of the set
appears once. This is discussed in
detail in Mathworld.
A permutation of a set is a
bijection from the set to itself.
Of course, the two definitions can
be converted into each other, but psychologically they are rather different. The discussion
in Wikipedia gives both definitions.
In most texts and university courses, the phrase " x is positive" means x >
0. In a few texts and in .
The members of the RUME discussion list.
The integer 125 is a power of
A prime is a typographical
symbol, and also a positive integer greater than 1 that has exactly
two positive integer divisors (Wi, MW).
If a subset T of a set S is not S, then it is a proper subset of S. (See also here.)
This is also used with substructures of a structure (proper subgroup,
and so on).
Some authors require that a proper
subset of S be not only not all of S but also not be empty. Unless the author
makes it clear, you cannot
tell which is
The word proper is also used by
some authors to mean nontrivial; for example, a proper automorphism would be a
non-identity automorphism.
This word is used in conflicting ways in mathematical writing and in mathematical logic.
In mathematical writing, proposition is another name for theorem, a statement that has been proved true.
In mathematical logic, proposition is comon terminology for a sentence in math English or the symbolic language that is either true or false (here we use the word statement for this).