The range of a function may mean its codomain or its image. Both usages are common in undergraduate texts.
Used before giving a mathematical fact (definition, theorem or proof).
“Recall that an integer is even if it is divisible by
The intent seems to be that the author expects that you already know
the meaning of the defined term, but just in case here is a reminder.
¨ The value produced
by a function at a given input may be called the result
of the function at that input.
¨ A mathematical fact that has been proved (a theorem) may
also be called a result.
In the
This entry has nothing directly to
do with math or math English, but I have several times witnessed the confusion
it can cause in academic circles and so thought it worth including here.
¨ A root of an
equation f(x) = 0 is a value c for which f(c) = 0.
¨ This value c is also called a root or a zero of the function f.
¨ The nth root of a number a is a number c for which ;
in other words, c is a root of the
See also quadratic formula.
Some say it is incorrect to refer c as a “root of f” instead of “zero of f”. But using “root” in this situation appears to me to be more common that using “zero”, particularly when the function is a polynomial. Mathematica uses “root” in this case, too.