Under is used to name the function or relation
just referred to in the sentence. The
reference may be indirect or implicit.
¨ "The set of integers is a group
under addition."
¨ "If x is related to y under the relation E,
we write x E y."
¨ "Let F and G be functions defined on the real numbers. If the value of x under F is
greater than the value of x under
G for every x, then we say that F > G."
This can be translated as: “If for every x,
then we say that F > G.”
It is my impression that some mathematicians use “under” in this way a
lot, but most mathematicians don’t use it at all. This needs more lexicographical research than
what I did for the Handbook.
¨ To say that an object satisfying certain conditions is unique
means that there is only one object satisfying those conditions. For example, there is a unique even prime, namely the
integer 2.
¨ The Handbook, page
259, discusses the philosophical confusion connected with questions such as “Is
there a unique set of integers”.
Mathematicians normally talk as if there is a unique set, but when
pressed by foundations questions may say things like “Well, there are many
copies but let’s assume we have picked a particular one.”
¨ The word
"unique" is misused by students; this is discussed here. See also up to.
¨ A unit in a ring may mean either the identity element of the ring, or an invertible element of the ring. However, “ring with unit” means ring with identity element.
¨ Unit element or unity most likely means an identity element. This requires lexicographical research.
One or more variables may occur in a constraint, and the intent
of the discourse may be to determine the values of the variables that satisfy
the constraint. In that case the variables may be referred to as unknowns.
Find the values of x for . Answer:
Find the values of x for which . Answer:
In both these problems x would be called an unknown.
A typical definition
in mathematics may make use of a number of previously defined concepts. To unpack
or unwind such
a definition is to replace the defined terms with explicit, spelled-out
requirements. See translation problem and rewrite using definitions.
Similarly a function may be defined by a complicated
formula. To unpack such a formula means
investigating it piece by piece, or chunk by chunk. Zooming and Chunking has an
example, and Equivalence Relations
has another one.
Let E be an equivalence
relation. To say that a definition or description of a type of mathematical
object determines the object up to E (or modulo E) means that any two objects satisfying the description are
equivalent with respect to E.
An indefinite integral is determined up to a constant. In this
case the equivalence relation is that of differing by a constant.
The statement "G is a finite group of order
n containing an element of order n"
forces G to be the cyclic group of order n, so that the statement defines G up to isomorphism.